Reaching out locally, nationally, and globally 
Click the above for interviews and updates from the Victory Church movement.

Mission Trips from VGP

Fall and winter 2024 saw Pastor Paul Juss lead 3 separate missions trips with VGP family going out - two in October to Ensenada, Mexico and one in November to Kisumu, Kenya.  
The first October team, 16th to the 23rd,  was a mixed team of 7 from various churches and locations.  This team focused on painting the new Choyal Church and ministering at various rehab centers and also doing street ministry outreach.
The team that was in Mexico October 23-30 was again a varied team of 11 from different churches and locations - this team had a couple of father-son duos from VGP that made it really special!  They spent time ministering at various rehabilitation centers, street ministry and also doing some critical maintenance on the missions base in Ensenada.
November 11-29, 2024 saw a team of 10 men, mostly from Victory North churches, work together to fix up a school - Victory Christian School Dunga.  This school houses and educates around 250 disadvantaged children so  it will really make a difference to the area.  They replaced mattresses and fixed up beds and desks but perhaps the most significant repair was the water system.  It was fully replaced by a 30 foot tower with a 1100L tank including all new piping and valves for each building.  Fresh water will now be available which is a game changer for these students!  
While there, they also ministered at 5 different churches, attended a graduation of 17 students from Victory Bible School as well as a VBC reunion of 30 alumni.  So great to see what God is doing in Kenya!
If you are interested in joining a missions trip in the new year,  please call the Victory North Association office at (780) 402-2443 for more details!

Care Zacharias - Our Local Full Time Missionary


In our first week, we had the opportunity to speak and lead worship at the family conference, representing 25 states of India. We were so blessed by the hunger, passion and fire these leaders have for their nation. And we were so inspired by their clear vision to raise up a victor in every family in India.  
On our 2nd week, we got to spend more time with Pastor Joseph and his Bible school students. What an opportunity to empower and mentor musicians and worshippers. Such an honor to be among such visionary leaders! I LOVED getting to spend one on one time with some of the students. Hearing their stories and testimonies of Jesus in their lives.
One of the students, named Haggar, grew up in a village where his family was the only Christian family. His faith was ignited by his father's encounter with the Lord. Despite facing significant persecution, they never gave up. When Haggar's father fell ill, villagers challenged them, saying, "If your father gets healed, we will believe in your God." Unfortunately, his father didn't get healed and went to be with the Lord. Yet, their mother’s encouragement resonated deeply: "Our God is real; we are not going to give up on our faith."
In their village, witchcraft was rampant, and someone cursed Haggar and his family, threatening that everyone except their mother would die if they continued to uphold their faith. But despise all this, they chose to still believe in Jesus. Now, they are alive and well. Haggar is actively engaged in worship, leading media , and participating in children's ministry alongside his brother. Him and his family has led many families in their village to Christ.  What a powerful God we serve! This trip in India was absolutely life changing for me. I've never met such people who are that passionate to see their nation worship Jesus, in the midst of great persecutions. It really convicted me to fight for the right thing. Am I just fighting for my own selfish desires? Or am I fighting to see people get unstuck, to see nations turn to Jesus? It's funny because I'm in the mission field but yet sometimes, I can still get distracted with selfishness. But Praise God for His Holy Spirit that convicts me and His word that re-aligns my heart to His heart.  From my heart, thank you, Pastor Charlotte and family. Thank you for believing in me. For praying and standing with me in this journey. Thank you for partnering with me in offering hope, comfort, and healing. I am so grateful to work together with you to fulfill this expression of the Great Commission.
Thinking of you guys lots. Declaring the word of God over you. May God bless and multiply every seed you've sown, may your walk with God be more deepen in this season and that His love would just saturate you and overflows out of you.
Love you!

If you would like to donate to Care's mission needs, you can donate through the church Missions account and mark your offering "Care Zacharias".

Kayden and Jessica Kaupp - YWAM

Caden Morrow - YWAM

Caden is currently attending DTS (Discipleship Training School) in Oteran, Norway. This is the northernmost post of all the YWAM bases in the world!
The location is remote, wild and beautiful. Studies and lectures will wrap up just before Christmas break. Then in the New Year Caden will be traveling across Finland as well as to Estonia for the missions portion of his DTS. Caden is considering his options for immediately following time at DTS and may join another YWAM mission school in Oslo, Norway for a couple more weeks of training and then a mission into India. He will update with his decision regarding the India mission, which will be funding dependent. He's carefully and prayerfully considering the direction to take and appreciates your prayers and support.

If you feel you'd like to contribute financially to Caden, you can etransfer him directly:   CadenMatthew135@gmail.com

Avery Morrow - YWAM

An update from Avery:

Hello Fam Jam!  Figured I’d update y’all real quick with what’s been happening.

For those who don’t know.  I am in a 9 month Bible course (SBS - School of Biblical Studies) with YWAM in Kona, where we learn to study the Bible inductively.  We go through the entire bible - reading each book 5 times.
Books completed:  Titus, Galatians, Ephesians, Mark, Luke, Acts, and Philippians.  Now, we’re currently in Colossians and Philemon.
Everyday, except for Sunday, we’re either in lectures or studying.  We worship and/or pray everyday.  Then of course sleep and meals.
It is such an honor to get to study the Word this in depth with this much intentionality.  Thank you to all who contributed both in prayer and in finances.  Please continue to support me!

If you would like to personally support Avery financially, this is the link you can use:  https://ywamkona.my.site.com/payment?cId=0035G00002ReyoEQAR 
** Any donations to individuals in the YWAM program are personal contributions and therefore ineligible for a Charitable Giving Receipt.  Thank you for understanding.