And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself, restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. ~ 1 Peter 5:10

Return to the stronghold you prisoners of hope. Even today I declare that I will restore double to you. ~ Zechariah 9:12

Have you met the Artist? The One who creatively makes beauty of chaos? Breakthrough from trauma? Strength from brokenness? I call the Lord a Master of creativity, the most intricate Artist, and most careful Taylor. He mends, paints and creates. It would take me a lifetime to recite all the ways He’s shown me. He spoke and the expanse of space and time was created. Man betrayed the Maker, yet His creativity was already sparked into motion and motivated by His unrelenting love. Redemption woven through pain, death, sin and rejection. He didn’t want it, but He has used it. He used it to usher in the greatest love and redemption the world had ever seen and will ever see. A precious Savior, Jesus, now in you and in me. He daily works, weaves, paints and creates beautiful things out of all of life’s pain. So next time you ask “Why me Lord?” Remember the Lord is faithful to use everything. By everything, I truly mean everything.

I’m learning that God is a not only an incredible Artist. He is the Master of exchange. My mourning exchanged for His joy, my heaviness exchanged for a garment of praise, my shame exchanged for a double portion, my sin for His righteousness, my sickness exchanged for His healing… I could go on and on. The exchange of my cares for His peace. My part is simply step into what He invites me into. We are called into these beautiful exchanges at so many times in our life. When the pressure is on, when the night seems so long and we can’t see our way out. He offers, “Come to me all who are weary… I will give you rest.”

I’m learning that the very best things in my life have come from the most broken and painful times. How can this be? I feel like my life has been shredded. My heart broken too many times.. but the Lord never sees it like I do. His ways are so much higher. He prepares a beautiful and bountiful feast in the presence of our enemies, in the moments of greatest pain… He says “Come feast on my faithfulness”. When we choose to remember, He has always been faithful, and right here and now, in my broken state… He will still be faithful.  

The miraculous thing about pain in a believers life is God’s ability to use it for our good and His glory. The Bible says He works ALL THINGS together for those who love Him… There’s not room to interpret ALL differently or remove your specific circumstance from qualifying. If it’s not good, He’s not finished and everything our God starts He is faithful to finish. 

Don’t throw away your testimony because you are hurting now. Bring all the pain to the Lord. Approach His Throne through honest worship, and receive mercy in your time of greatest need. 

Hear me when I say. The Lord will get His glory. I’ve seen it for myself and know it to be true. Even the most broken person doesn’t make God throw in the towel and give up. 

Why me Lord? This hurts, I don’t think I can handle this. The Lord says, “I know it hurts, but I’ll walk you through this.. you’ll be stronger than before and ready for what’s ahead. I use everything.”

Because I’m a poet by nature; I’m sharing a piece I wrote after the Lord showed me how He had woven together the painful experiences of my life to equip and strengthen me for the days ahead. My prayer is wherever you are, you would be able to do any of the following… Rejoice in the victories the Lord has given you, remember His faithfulness, be encouraged in a dark season to keep going, have hope restored that God isn’t finished yet, come to the Father and honestly surrender all the broken pieces of your life, look ahead to the testimony that will someday be shared…. The Lord is causing A New Kind Of Warrior to rise up.

The Lord He keeps showing me His faithfulness.
Each event and trial, every high and every bitter low, woven together into a beautiful mosaic of His goodness.
The things that shouldn’t have healed are healed. They are woven into a mismatched, colourful tapestry of His faithful and steady love.
His masterful creativity and redemption have made something miraculously beautiful and sacred.
Gold thread on each seam. I’ll wear it like a hero’s cape, a daughters dress, a lovers covering... a Bride’s veil.
I was broken beyond any feasible repair. Impossible seems to be the place You dwell. Hurts and wounds from a whole life, You pulled them out of the cracks, until no infection could brew inside.
With gold refined in the fire of Your love, You filled every crack and joined together all the needed parts.
Now I’m glowing from the inside out. The seams of gold shining, letting Your glory out. 
A Warrior, better than before. Standing on the OTHER SIDE of the shore. You are here pointing to the beauty of this new land; flowing with milk and honey.
What a sight! A different kind of celebration. A different kind of strength. A warrior put together with seams of gold, wearing a cape of mismatched patches woven together.
His faithfulness is what I’ll wear. The glory of His healing in my scars is what I’ll share. I’m proud to walk with this reminder of how faithful, steady, near and kind is my Father.
Everyone come, look and see, what a redemptive God is He! No pain too deep or sin too dark. Nothing too broken or too far gone. If He did it in me, He’ll do it in you. This Faithful Friend of mine is here for you too. 

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. ~ Romans 15:13


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1 Comment

Debbie Graham - November 7th, 2021 at 3:25pm

Oh my goodness I am inspired and encouraged by your eloquent words of truth and redemption. Thanks for sharing your gifting Mighty Women of God and Many Talents.



